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A degree from an institution of higher learning has become associated with a safe and atypical life, which has attracted those who need it and those that dont. Many graduate with a fifty thousand dollar piece of paper (if their lucky) the world has grown tired of seeing. Returning home with no connections and hoping their kin can help them find a decent job or at least something bearable until better comes along.


For one young man his family connections were so lucrative when he initially left college he shied away from them, but as days of underemployment/unemployment turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years they appeared as a wasted opportunity. As he ventured back into the illegitimate world he brought along a few downtrodden friends.

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Assimilation Part I

A covert operation committed to completing its homeland’s most precarious acts of power retention has begun a search to fill its ranks; persons up to the calling and able to stomach the world’s darkest secrets. It’s a daunting, invasive and debatable selection process, but it’s a concern any elect would turn a blind eye to.


Revelation Part 1

An order that has outlived pharaohs, dynasties, warlords, democracies, Ghanas, eras, revolutions, republics and the likes observes a new member spiraling out of control. Accepting civilization’s fragility, simplicity and truth along with recent events has caused his foundation to collapse. Its remedy is to make him recollect on his past with the hope it will bring him clarity before he forces its hand. 

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To receive PDF send $5 to on State the title you would like to purchase in Special Instructions section.  Novel will be emailed to you after purchase.

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